Name | Meaning | Gender | Origin |
Chevell | Horseman: Knight. An Abbreviation Of Chevalier. Actor-Comedian Chevy Chase. | Male | French |
Chevelle | Bold And Beautiful. | Female | American |
Chibale | Kinsman | Male | Egyptian |
Chilaili | Snowbird CHIMALIS | Female | Native American |
Chilam | Snowbird | Female | Native American |
Chilton | From The Farm By The Spring | Male | English |
Chimalis | Bluebird | Female | Native American |
Chimalli | Shield | Male | Nahuatl |
Chisholm | From Chisolm | Male | Scottish |
Chlodwig | Famous Warrior | Male | German |
Chloe | Means | Female | French |
Chloris | Myth Name (Goddess Of Spring) | Female | Greek |
Cholena | Bird | Female | Native American |
Chowilawu | Joined Together By Water (Hopi) | Male | Native American |
Chriselda | Strong | Female | German |
Christabel | Variant Of Christiana. Follower Of Christ. | Female | English |
Christal | Christian | Female | Scottish |
Christel | Christian | Female | Scottish |
Christolonsoelle | Of Goddess Decent | Female | Spanish |
Chrystal | "Clear, Bright, Ice." | Female | Latin |
Churchill | Lives At The Church Hill | Male | English |
Churchyll | Lives At The Church Hill | Male | English |
Chval | Flattery | Male | Czechoslovakian |
Ciatlllait | Archaic | Female | Irish |
Cibil | Variant Of Sibyl: In Greek Mythology A Name For Prophetess Or Fortune-Teller. | Female | English |
Cicely | From The Latin Cecilia Meaning Blind. The Blind St. Cecilie - Patron Saint Of Music - Was A Talented Musician. | Female | English |
Cicily | From The Latin Cecilia Meaning Blind. The Blind St. Cecilie - Patron Saint Of Music - Was A Talented Musician. | Female | English |
Cili | Hungarian Form Of Cecilia (Blind) | Female | Hungarian |
Cillian | Battle | Male | Irish |
Cimberleigh | From The Royal Meadow | Female | English |